About Us

Our vision is to make Jesus known in east Cardiff and beyond through prayer and Christ centred mission.

We believe that prayer is central. We create regular opportunities both in the Prayer House and across the Nation of Wales, online and in person, for people to gather together in worship and prayer.

We believe that mission is critical and that the gospel is powerful and transforms lives and communities. We regularly host mission teams both locally and from across the country and we are involved in week in week out mission in our local community.

We believe that prayer and mission go hand in hand together. As we pray for our community, the nation and the world God speaks and leads us into action.

Our Founders

A note from our Prayer House founders, Dave and Gail Clague:

“Our journey to establish a Prayer House began in 2013 when, after many years spent bringing up a family, working, and in church leadership, we began to seek the Lord afresh for more of his power and presence in our City.

With the encouragement of city wide church leaders we opened the PrayerHouse at Bethania in 2014. Our heart is to support God’s people in the city through prayer, that the good news of the Kingdom of Jesus would transform churches, lives and communities at all levels.”

What we do

Weekly Rhythm of Prayer sessions in the Prayer House.

Monthly Prayer & Worship events.

Prayer support for churches across the city and nation.

Building relationships with the local community through school chaplaincy, Faith Space youth events and providing support and care for those in need.

Creating opportunities to partner with churches and organisations in mission to Make Jesus Known.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

— Romans 12: 12

Pictured, a perfect spot to pray in the garden at Bethania.